Home 1 Edinburgh Castle’s one millionth visitors

Edinburgh Castle’s one millionth visitors


Britta Springstrow and Rene Woffeh from Germany

By Alexander Lawrie

SCOTLAND’S premier tourist attraction is celebrating after welcoming its one millionth visitor.

Edinburgh Castle usually attracts around 1.2 million guests per year, and despite the tough financial times the castle continues to attract visitors from around the world.

The one millionth visitors to the castle this financial year were German couple Britta Springstrow and Rene Woffeh.

Britta admitted they were delighted to be chosen, and the surprised couple were presented with a castle goodie bag and free entry to the sights.

She said: “Edinburgh is such a beautiful place and the castle is stunning. It was really exciting to be chosen as the millionth visitor today as we were certainly not expecting it.”

Barbara Smith, Executive Manager at Edinburgh Castle, said: “The arrival of the millionth visitor is always a milestone. This year, it is particularly pleasing in the economic climate.

“I’d like to thank all the castle staff for the tremendous work they do in making sure our visitors have a superb time when they come to the castle.

“The combination of iconic status, memorable image, unique treasures and a world class welcome make this a truly must-see attraction.”

Historic Scotland has recently completed a £2.7 million visitor reception project at the must-see attraction.

The project included a new online sales system, a dedicated Edinburgh castle website and a hi-tech ticket office.

New markets have also been opening up and are reflected by the recent introduction of souvenir guide books to the castle in Russian and Chinese.

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