Home 1 Dopey bag-snatchers only get shopping

Dopey bag-snatchers only get shopping


By Alexander Lawrie

POLICE are hunting a pair of dopey bag-snatchers who struck twice in the space of ten minutes – but only managed to escape with a bag full of groceries.

The thugs first struck on Sunday evening when a 60 year-old woman was approached by a man and a woman.

After trying to engage the woman in conversation the man suddenly lashed out and tried to grab the pensioner’s handbag.

After a brave struggle the callous pair were forced to flee empty-handed after the woman shouted for help.

But just ten minutes later the same pair of robbers assaulted a 39 year-old female before running of with her shopping.

The first attack happened in Edinburgh’s Manderston Street around 7.10pm on Sunday with the suspects last seen heading towards the city’s Leith Walk.

And just ten minutes later the pair then assaulted a 39 year-old woman outside the nearby Scotmid store in Leith.

This time the thieving couple made off with the woman’s shopping.

The man is described as being white, between 30-40-years-old, 5ft 5-10ins tall, of medium build. He was wearing dark clothing and spoke with an Edinburgh accent.

The woman is white, between 25-35-years-old 5ft 5-6ins tall and of slim to medium build. She had fair hair, which was tied back in a ponytail.

A police spokeswoman said: “While neither woman was seriously injured, this experience has left them both understandably shaken.

“We believe these incidents are linked, and are appealing for anyone who may have seen the man and woman in the area, or who recognises the description, to get in touch with police.”

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