Home 1 Drunk blames ‘sexual dream’ for attack

Drunk blames ‘sexual dream’ for attack


By Michael MacLeod

A TWISTED drunk tried to blame his DREAMS for a sexual assault.

Desperate to find an excuse for a sick attack on a sleeping woman, Robert McEwan, 44, went to a sleep expert.

But they came to the conclusion he was simply “excessively drunk” and yesterday a sheriff put him on the sex offenders register.

He has now been assessed by social workers as “a man who is a risk to ladies he knows when intoxicated.”

The sickening assault came when McEwan let his victim stay over in his house in Alloa, Clackmannanshire, after a night out. 

The terrified woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told police he got into her bed while she was asleep and touched her indecently.

Rare sleeping disorder

McEwan’s lawyer, Mike Chapman, tried to find out whether a sleeping disorder could be blamed for his actions.

He told Alloa Sheriff Court: “It was thought he may have committed this offence while having a sexual dream.

“A sleep expert was sought to find out whether he had a very rare sleeping disorder which put him in a comatose.

“However, the Glasgow Sleep Centre assessed him and it was felt he did not have a sleep disorder.

“The conclusion was that Mr McEwan’s lack of recollection was attributable to excessive consumption of alcohol.

“His take is that he went to bed alone after a heavy drinking session and discovered he had been joined in bed with the complainer.”

Callous McEwan initially denied he had done anything wrong until the sleep expert came to the conclusion he was drunk.

Changed his plea

Yesterday he pled guilty to placing his hand inside the woman’s underwear and carrying out a sexual assault on June 24, 2007.

Mr Chapman added: “After exploring the possible reasons to this he very quickly changed his plea to guilty.

“He sent a text to the woman very soon after the offence, expressing regret at what might have happened.

“This is not a case of low victim empathy. He appeared extremely remorseful in interview at the implications for his family.”

Sentencing McEwan to a three year probation order, Sheriff David Mackie said it was a “concerning offence.”

He said: “This is a concerning offence but I don’t consider it would be of great benefit to send you to custody.

“Due to the nature of the offence you will be placed on the sex offenders register for three years and placed on probation for the same length of time.”

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