Home 1 George Foulkes sparks hunt for political blog bandit

George Foulkes sparks hunt for political blog bandit



A FURIOUS MSP has vowed to sue whoever is behind a spoof website which has published a series of damning posts about top Labour politicians – in his name.

Raging Labour Peer George Foulkes has also gone to police asking them to probe the identity of the people behind the fake Blogspot weblog which he says has nothing to do with him or any of his own official websites.

The blog – Labourchanter – which carries a picture of the Labour attack dog and a detailed biography – contains a series of hugely defamatory allegations against Labour leader Iain Gray and also his predecessor Wendy Alexander.

Only last month Labour spin doctor Damien McBride, one of Gordon Brown’s closest advisors, was forced to quit after it was revealed he had planned to set up a mock site to spread internet smears against the Tories.

And Foulkes fumed last night: “This is even worse because it is actually making these damaging and defamatory allegations in my name. It is impersonating me, using my identity. It is absolutely outrageous.”even considering what he was planning.

“This is far worse and I have contacted police to see if they can help trace whoever is behind these series of vile smears made in my name.

“There is a picture of me, there is a biography. It is even written as if it is me behind it.

“When I find out who is behind it then I will take them to court and sue them for impersonating me and for defamation. I am furious.

“I was angry enough someone would do this, but I am livid having read what it has been saying about Iain Gray, Wendy Alexander and the other comments.”

Labour Party chiefs said they were doing their best to find out who was behind the bogus site and Foulkes said whichever political side were behind the attacks, heads would have to roll.

He added: “There is no justification for this – someone has got to be held accountable.”

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