Home 1 Stirling Albion fans try and buy club

Stirling Albion fans try and buy club



SUPPORTERS of a small Scottish football club are urging sports fans from across the world to help them buy their club.

The Stirling Albion Supporter’s Trust hope to become the first British football club to be wholly-owned by the fans

The Bino’s have been up for sale for several years and with spiraling costs and no sign of any immediate investment are at risk of going out of business.

The specific amount needed to buy the club is still to be determined, but the club’s supporter’s trust are hoping to entice around 20,000 football fans from across the world to get involved.

The campaign to buy the Scottish second division football club was officially announced at a press conference yesterday.

And for the first time ever in Scottish football history, prospective sponsors will have their firm’s name incorporated into part of the official team name.

UK’s first ever wholly-owned club

Paul Goodwin, from BuyStirlingAlbion, said, “This is the chance of a lifetime for everyone to be part of the first 100 per cent fans trust-owned league club in the UK. 

“Fans trusts already have ownership in clubs across the UK and in four cases have majority stakes but this innovative and ambitious campaign aims to make Stirling Albion FC the UK’s first ever 100 per cent fans trust owned club. 

“However, we have to be very clear that if this campaign doesn’t come off there is a serious danger that the club may cease to exist as a league club which is why it’s so important that it succeeds.”

Buying an ‘Albion Trust Membership’ will cost £40 and will see football fans from across the world helping save the football club while also having a direct input into the running of the club including choosing the team kit and who holds the position of Club President. 

Bid backed by drinks firm

Paul Goodwin added:  “A lot of time, planning and thought has been put in over the last nine months to come up with a really innovative fundraising plan the like of which has never been seen before in Scottish or UK football.
“We hope our campaign will reach most corners of the world and appeal to football fans generally but also people with Scottish roots, family in Scotland or Stirling or maybe those who have visited the area before and feel a connection.

“Most football fans around the world seem to have a favourite English team so we hope to appeal to those who want a favourite Scottish team that they will become a real part of.”

Sports drink manufacturers Soccerade, who can claim Manchester Utd ace Cristiano Ronaldo as one of their ambassadors, have also backed the fans’ campaign.

A statement from Soccerade said: “Buystirlingalbion.org.uk is a great community football project that we fully endorse.”

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