Home 1 Obama tops the polls again

Obama tops the polls again


By Cara Sulieman

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama is the person most Scots kids would choose to go on holiday with.

They were asked who would be the “most fun” celebrity holiday companion and Obama roared to victory for a second time with the youngsters.

He was the only politician on the list, which was the result of a Travelodge poll asking children what they wanted for their summer holiday.

Other than the victorious president, the list is populated by an array of stars of kid’s programmes and films.

Steven Gerard

In second place was superhero Wolverine from the X Men closely followed by Miley Cyrus, TV star turned pop star.

But it’s not all TV stars; with footballer Steven Gerard scraping onto the top 10 at number nine.

Nasty Simon Cowell and his X Factor colleague Cheryl Cole also make the cut.

The survey also asked kids what they looked for in a summer holiday and tested their knowledge on some popular UK destinations.

Alton Towers

When asked where Cornwall was, a third of the young Scots thought it was in Yorkshire.

The majority – 67 per cent – also didn’t know where family favourite Alton Towers was.

Most surveyed said they were heading for British beaches, and quarter of the kids said their families would be spending time in the countryside.

The Highlands is the most popular place for the family holiday this summer, with Cornwall and the Lake District runner-ups.

Cultured kids

The festival city of Edinburgh is also on the top 10, but lags behind Blackpool and London.

When they were asked what their ideal holiday would include, young Scots prove themselves to be a cultured bunch.

Their ideal holiday lasts seven days and includes three days at the sea, two in the countryside, one at a theme park and one in a city.

Guy Parsons, Travelodge Managing Director, said it was good for the younger generation to spend their holidays in the UK as they learn more about their country.

“Top holiday destination”

He said: “2009 is the year of the ‘Staycation’.

“By holidaying at home youngsters will certainly find out why Great Britain is a top holiday destination.

“In addition they will learn more about their country and most importantly identify where key British holiday locations are.

“It is encouraging to see the report identified 88% of young Brits think it’s important to grow up with memories of having holidays in the UK. This is great news for the future of British tourism.”

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