Home 1 Super Size Me star hooked on deep-fried Mars bars

Super Size Me star hooked on deep-fried Mars bars


1622353060_674793d985By Rory Reynolds

SUPER Size Me star Morgan Spurlock has revealed he is hooked on deep-fried Mars bars after trying the Scots delicacy on a recent holiday.

Food freak Morgan – who famously lived off three McDonald’s meals every day for a month – described the dish as “absolutely fantastic” after trying it as he filming in Scotland.

The Oscar-nominated American filmmaker was researching the Scottish roots of Simpsons character Groundskeeper Willie for show’s 20th anniversary when he stumbled upon the artery-attacking treat.

The 39-year-old – who previously gained two stones in weight and suffered liver dysfunction after binging on Big Macs – said: “Deep fried Mars bars are absolutely fantastic.

“They don’t look like much, but the taste is great.”The deep-fried dishes have been blasted by health professionals as encouraging people to eat high fat, high sugar foods, and contributing towards Scotland being the fattest nation in the world after the United States.

But despite his abusive culinary past, Morgan wasn’t put off by the fact that the dish contains almost double the number of calories that a Big Mac does.

And Morgan admitted he was excited when he found out that Scotland had more deep-friend delicacies to offer than just the Mars Bar.

He said: “Somebody told me that I should try deep-fried pizza and I definitely will the next time I am in Scotland.”

Tom Wilson’s fish shop in Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire claims to be the birthplace of the deep-friend Mars Bar, which first surfaced in 1995.

Tom said he was delighted that the chocolatey battered message was spreading abroad.

He said: “We sell more than 100 friend Mars bars every week and people come from a far away as Japan to try them.

“We’d be delighted to serve Morgan with the original and best the next time he’s over.”

Morgan’s previous production, ‘Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?’ saw the bonkers filmmaker attempt to hunt down terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

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