Home 1 Six-month-old lowered from flat blaze in car seat

Six-month-old lowered from flat blaze in car seat


By Rory Reynolds

A SIX-month-old baby was taken to hospital with his mother after a dramatic escape from a burning building.

Emergency services raced to Hailesland Gardens in Wester Hailes, Edinburgh, as a fire from a kitchen on the ground floor began to spread up a block of flats.

Two of the occupants of the second floor of the building, desperate to get their child to safety, wrapped him in a car seat and lowered him to the ground using their bedsheets.

Crews from Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue arrived on the scene as the baby was reached the ground safely, and rescued the remaining occupants from the building.

The child was taken with his mother to the Sick Kids hospital in the Marchmont area of the city for treatment for light smoke inhalation.Two males and one female also later travelled to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary to be checked out for smoke inhalation.

A spokeswoman for Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue said: “The ground floor kitchen was well alight when we arrived.

“We rescued four occupants from the second floor of the building, and a six-month-old baby had already been lowered to the ground in a car seat, from one of the upstairs windows.”

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