Home 1 Dog guides blind owner to a Napier degree

Dog guides blind owner to a Napier degree



A LOYAL guide dog has stuck with her owner through years of studying and commuting 60 miles every day to help her graduate with a degree from a Scots university.

Four-year-old Jules helped visually impaired Jodie Renton to achieve a BA Honours degree in Human Resources – and learn two languages.

Now the duo – who graduated together from Edinburgh Napier yesterday – are heading for a place on the Civil Service’s Fast Stream programme.

And the 22-year-old said she’ll stick with her Labrador Spaniel all the way to a top government post.

Jodie said: “I’m delighted to be graduating today, I’ve worked really hard to get here today and have loved studying at Edinburgh Napier.

“My tutors at the uni have been really supportive so a big thanks to them.

“But I couldn’t let the day go by without a special thank you to my guide dog Jules.

“She has been a great help during my studies – and she’s even made friends on the course.

“Jules has made me a lot more confident – we make a good team.”

And despite commuting from Dunbar to Edinburgh for her classes at uni – a 60 mile round trip – Jodie still found time to work for Guide Dogs for the Blind, taking part in fundraising across Edinburgh.

Her proud mum Joyce, 43, said she was delighted that her little winning team are now off to London for Jodie’s big interview.

She said: “Jules has certainly been a big help, in Jodie’s first year she didn’t have her and it was a lot more difficult.

“Now she’s going down to London for her Fast Stream interview, and she’s hoping to work in human resources for one of the government departments.”

She added: “And Jules will be sticking with Jodie all the way – we’re all very proud of them both.”

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