Home 1 Daughter of woman attacked with corkscrew say stepdad should be locked up

Daughter of woman attacked with corkscrew say stepdad should be locked up


By Cara Sulieman

THE DAUGHTERS of a woman who was stabbed in the face with a corkscrew by her husband have called on the judge to “lock him up and throw away the key”.

Debra MacLeod, 46, suffered eight stab wounds and had part of her cheek torn away after the savage attack by her husband who attacked her in her own home.

Ian MacLeod beat his estranged wife at her home in Thurston Manor Holiday Park in Dunbar before punching her in the face with the corkscrew.

Her daughters, Danielle and Melissa Baillie, have branded their step-father an “evil monster” and a “disgusting beast”.


Danielle, 22, an assistant office manager from Leith in Edinburgh said: “He’s always been a coward and a bully. It’s difficult to find the words to say how much we despise him.

“What he did to our mum was unbelievable and shows what an evil monster he is.

“We’ve been told to expect he will get at least five years, but he deserves a life sentence.

“The judge should lock him up and throw away the key. He’s a psychotic person and I know he will hurt someone again when he gets out of prison.

“Our mum is lucky to be alive after what he did to her. She has been through so much trauma and knows she will never look like herself again.

“It’s difficult to look at her face now as she looks like a different person, but at least he is out of her life and she’s a strong person. What has happened was terrible but she’s getting on with her life now.”


Debra’s other daughter Melissa, a retail worker also from Leith, said that the family would be in court to see MacLeod sentenced.

The 20-year-old said: “She was unrecognisable when we came to the hospital and saw her. We were told that she had a slim chance of survival after what happened, but she pulled through.

“He’s a disgusting beast and our whole family will be in court to watch him get sent away.”

MacLeod has been remanded in custody and is due to be sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh next month.

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