Home 1 Vile child rapist is banned from the roads

Vile child rapist is banned from the roads


By Michael MacLeod

AN evil child rapist twice slipped through cops’ fingers during a near decade-long reign of abuse when he was caught drink driving.

Vile Mutasim Al Mutasim, 35, was caught drunk behind the wheel of his car twice in the midst of horror attacks on primary school children.

He was stopped first in September 2006 at the capital’s Duddingston Road West and later again January 2007 at Hay Avenue, where cops found him well over three times the drink-drive limit.

But police said last night they had no way of knowing he and his brother, Eldirdeery, 24, were sexually abusing girls as young as five.

It wasn’t until April 2008 that detectives snared the Sudanese dish-washer for horrific child sex offences which were described by one judge as “beyond the understanding of a caring and civilised society”.

And a police insider revealed last night that if wasn’t for his brother getting reported over the rapes; Al Mutasim could have slipped through the net completely.

“No way of knowing”

They said: “We had no way of knowing he was a rapist when we got him for drink driving.

“In fact it was when Eldirdeery was being interviewed that the spotlight turned onto his older brother, Mutasim.”

Al Mutasim, 35, is now serving five years behind bars for a campaign of abuse on two Edinburgh girls aged five and ten.

Today (Friday) the Sudanese dish-washer was told he will be banned from the roads for eight years on his release from prison, and had a month added to his sentence.

Handcuffed to a prison guard throughout his appearance at Edinburgh Sheriff Court yesterday, Al Mutasim hung his head as details of his chaotic driving were read out.

He admitted both offences – something he refused to do during the rape trial at the High Court in Kilmarnock earlier this month.

He and his brother Eldirdeery were convicted of a string of charges following a trial and put on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely.

Judge Lord Turnbull slammed the older brother’s “disgraceful” dominance over the five year-old girl in particular.

“most despicable”

Al Mutasim raped her after she came to him for protection from his brother, who was ultimately jailed for ten years.

The pair, who have a Scottish mother and had been living in Edinburgh, were found guilty of repeated attacks in Edinburgh between July 1999 and April 2008.

They insisted throughout the trial that their victims made the abuse claims up in revenge for an unpaid debt.

Judge Lord Turnbull commented: “You used the dominance that provided to perpetrate the most disgraceful breach of trust.

“Not only did you have regular intercourse with both young girls but in the most despicable turn of events you raped one of them after she had come to you seeking protection from her other abuser.”

And when the drink driving charges emerged yesterday, Sheriff Isabella McColl extended Al Mutasim’s jail term and disqualified him from driving for eight years.

Speaking through an Arabic interpreter she said she would have fined him £500, but instead added a month onto his sentence as he was already being held in custody.

A spokesperson for Lothian and Borders Police confirmed there had not been any reports of sexual abuse at the time of Al Mutasim’s drink driving offences. ?

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