Home 1 Tributes for woman who died after being hit by a car

Tributes for woman who died after being hit by a car


Fiona Clason

By Cara Sulieman


FRIENDS have paid touching tributes to a young woman who died after being hit by a car at the weekend.

Fiona Clason died at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh on Monday, the day after she was struck by a car on the capital’s waterfront.

The family of the 24-year-old were too upset to speak yesterday (Thurs) but friends of Ms Clason left touching messages on her social networking profile.

The University of Dundee graduate described herself as a fan of Hibs, Formula 1 racing and American Wrestling on her Facebook page.

“Love you”

Friends left messages praising Ms Clason, saying that she had been taken “too soon” and that “the world has become a darker place without you”.

Claire Sharkie wrote: “Love you Fi. So many amazing times and memories. Truly a great friend. Miss you so much.”

And another friend, Philip McKinstrey, added: “You always knew what to do and say to cheer up the whole room. I’ll miss you always.”

Police said Ms Clason was hit by a silver Volkswagen Golf on Waterfront Avenue at around 8pm on Sunday night.

Witness appeal

A 20-year-old was arrested and charged in connection with the incident, but has since been released pending further inquiries.

Lothian and Borders Police said that “further lines of inquiry” were being pursued and appealed for witnesses.

In particular, they are asking for passengers who were travelling on a Lothian number 38 bus which was in Waterfront Avenue at the time of the accident.

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