Home 1 Woman forced out of Jaguar by intimidating thief

Woman forced out of Jaguar by intimidating thief


By Cara Sulieman

A TERRIFIED woman was threatened and forced out of her Jaguar before the thief drove away, leaving her stranded and shaken.

The carjacking happened as the 51-year-old driver stopped her X-Type at the junction of Comiston Springs Avenue and Pentland Terrace in Edinburgh on Wednesday night.

A skinny man with crooked teeth approached the car, before threatening the driver and forcing her out the vehicle at around 6.20pm.

She was left shaken but unhurt as the criminal sped away.

Although the driver never saw a weapon, it was implied that the crook had one.

Seen on the A9

Police are yet to reveal if the victim was a local, but residents on the street say that the road is often used as an unofficial “park and ride” for commuters.

Duncan Robertson, 55, lives on the street and said that this is the first time anything like this has happened in that area.

The taxi driver said: “I was out in the taxi when the carjacking took place so I didn’t see anything, but coincidentally I saw the licence plate popping up on the in-car communication system that the police use to alert us to vehicles that they would like us to look out for.

“According to the alert the police said the last place it was seen was on the A9 so he might have been driving it north.

“It’s the first time we’ve had anything like this on the street, but we do have a bit of vandalism from kids coming into the area.


“I watched a couple of neds being chased through the street by police throwing drugs into the gardens. They were back down the next day looking for the drugs they had lost.

“There’s a homeless shelter on Oxgangs Avenue, and while I wouldn’t like to say that this is where all the crime is coming from, you do often see them passing through the street on the way to the shelter.”

Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward and help them track down the car which has the number plate N9 PDS.

A police spokesman said: “Fortunately the woman was not injured as a result of this incident.

“Nevertheless, she was left shaken and we are treating this extremely seriously.

“Anyone who witnessed this incident and has information that can help us locate the suspect is asked to contact police immediately.”

The suspect is described as a white male, 5’8”, around 25-years-old, of skinny build, with crooked teeth and a Scottish accent.

He was clean shaven with short, dark brown or black hair, and was wearing a dark jacket and cream jumper at the time of the incident.

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