Home 1 Cons tuck into mouth-watering Christmas dinner

Cons tuck into mouth-watering Christmas dinner


By Cara Sulieman

THE CHRISTMAS menu for some of Scotland’s most dangerous prisoners has been revealed, with a mouth-watering selection of meals available.

With breakfast, lunch and tea being offered, the Scottish Prison Service said “nice food eases tension in jail”.

But many will be angered as they struggle to feed their family during the recession whilst lags tuck in to tasty turkey and trimmings.

The spoilt cons will be tucking into chicken or nut roast for lunch followed by Black Forest gateaux.

Luke Mitchell

And for their tea they can look forward to turkey and trimmings or mushroom stroganoff with basmati rice.

Luke Mitchell, 21, who was jailed in 2005 for killing his girlfriend Jodi Jones, will be one of the violent criminals enjoying the luxurious food at Shotts Prison in Lanarkshire.

But the menu has raised questions about how appropriate it is to provide such items to prisoners when Scottish families are struggling to make Christmas special in the credit crunch.

Matthew Elliott, from the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said: “Many law-abiding taxpayers will be outraged that inmates are enjoying luxurious food while many families are struggling to raise the funds for a decent spread.”

But a SPS source said: “Nice food eases the tension in jail.”

Full Menu

Breakfast: Frosties, sausage, roll, pint of milk, coffee

Lunch: Chicken breast with mushroom sauce and bacon with olive stuffing, creamed and roast potatoes and vegetables or Nut roast puff with grilled tomato stuffing, creamed and roast potatoes and vegetables.

Dessert: Black Forest Gateaux

Tea: Turkey, beef and ham and chipped potatoes or mushroom stroganoff and basmati rice.

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