Home 1 Police hunt yobs after car vandal spree

Police hunt yobs after car vandal spree


By Rory Reynolds

POLICE are hunting for mindless vandals after a spate of cars were attacked in a six day period.

Officers from Fife Police are dealing with at least nine incidents of cars having their tyres slashed at a cost of hundreds of pounds to the owners.

The vandalism spree occurred over the New Year period, with officers warning that many more incidents may have gone unreported.

Investigating officer PC Sheila Scott said: “The vehicles involved have all had their rear tyres slashed with something like a knife or screwdriver.

“I am currently investigating nine separate incidents but I suspect that there are more that may not have been reported.

“Clearly the damage runs to many hundreds of pounds, at a time when many can ill afford such unnecessary additional cost in their lives.

“Tackling vandalism plays a major part in our current policing plan and as a local community officer, I can assure the public that we will do all we can to trace the person or persons responsible for these offences.

“I would encourage any person who has any knowledge of these incidents or feels they have been the victim of such senseless damage, to contact the police.”

The incidents all occurred between 29 December and 3 January in the Glenrothes area.

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