Home 1 It’s not fame or money SuBo craves, it’s love

It’s not fame or money SuBo craves, it’s love


By Michael MacLeod

LOVELESS singing sensation Susan Boyle fears she will never find a soulmate because men think she is “a freak”.

The Britain’s Got Talent star confessed to her longing for love in a series of 3am phone calls to her brother.

She told sibling Gerry that her West Lothian home feels like a “prison cell” when she has nobody to celebrate with or lean on during down-times.

Speaking in a weekend interview, businessman Gerry, 55, said his superstar sister was left “hurt enormously” by the nickname “Hairy Angel”.

He said: “It’s just all so sad, so sad.

“Susan has the world at her feet in terms of fame and money but at this precise moment in time it means nothing.

“Absolutely nothing.

“The one thing she wants above all everything else is love. Who doesn’t?

“Her biggest wish is to find someone who she can share her success with and support her through the difficult times.

“Some kind of freak”

“Susan has this impression that everybody thinks she is some kind of freak because of her appearance on stage and this is what puts men off.

“She can jet anywhere in the world first class, eat in the best restaurants and stay in the top hotels but that means nothing to her if she doesn’t have anyone to share those moments with.

“All those throwaway comments about Pebbles her cat being her soulmate were a way of masking unhappiness.”

The siblings’ late-night heart-to-heart phone chats began after SuBo found an intruder in her own house last month.

Police had to be called in and a security guard was posted outside her Blackburn home around the clock.

Gerry said the front-door fright has left his sister – whose debut album I Dreamed A Dream topped the charts on both sides of the Atlantic – “a curtain twitcher.”

“Things almost crush her”

He said: “If I’m honest things aren’t great for Susan at the moment on a personal level.

“She’s absolutely exhausted after non-stop travelling promoting her album around the world.

“Getting back to her little council home used to be her release but now it’s more like a prison cell.

“Susan’s become a curtain twitcher – she spends hours in the night staring out from behind her curtains.

“When she can’t sleep she rings me or plays things over in her head until they almost crush her.

“When she hasn’t got anyone special to lean on, things begin to go wrong for her.

“I know the jokes about Susan being nicknamed the “Hairy Angel” hurt her enormously.

“Maybe if Mr Special came along everything in the garden would be rosy again but as she’s off to Australia I’m not holding my breath.”

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