Home 1 Police hunt Fife flasher

Police hunt Fife flasher


By Cara Sulieman

POLICE are hunting a flasher after he exposed himself to two women out walking their dog.

The sex pest struck just early this morning when he exposed himself in Dunfermline, Fife.

Two women – one aged 25 and the other 45 – were walking through the park between Harris Park and Queensferry Road at quarter past midnight when the man approached them.

After revealing himself to the walkers, he ran off towards the Pitcorthie area of the town.

“Badly shaken”

The women are said to be “badly shaken” by the incident and police are hoping to track down the pervert.

He is described as being in his mid 20s, between 5ft 10ins and 6ft and of a stocky build.

At the time of the attack he had visible stubble and was wearing black jogging bottoms, a red jumper and a black tammy hat.

Detective Constable Bryan Cook, who is leading the investigation, said: “The two women involved have been badly shaken by this incident.

“I would ask that anyone with information contact Dunfermline Police Station by calling 0845 600 5702 or Crimestoppers on 0800 111 where all calls are treated anonymously.

“The description of the offender is very good and I am confident that someone will be able to tell us who this man is.”

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