Home News Court & Crime Golf course staff gave first aid to murder bid victim

Golf course staff gave first aid to murder bid victim


By Christine Lavelle and Martin Graham

A MAN was found lying on a golf course bleeding from serious stab wounds in his stomach after what police fear was a murder bid.

The 39 year-old was so badly injured detectives had to wait until today to speak to him.

He and a 43 year-old woman were injured in what cops said was “a horrific assault” in an Edinburgh flat last Wednesday.

The man was found lying on the grass at the city’s Craigentinny Golf Course at 6.20pm by a member of the public.

A golf club worker gave the man first aid until an ambulance took him to hospital.

The woman suffered leg injuries in the flat incident, which police insisted was “not a random attack.”

Launching a probe into the murder attempt last night, officers canvassed neighbours close to the Craigentinny Road flat.


They confirmed the flat, which is on the same road as a primary school, belonged to a third party.

Up to six police cars responded to the incident according to Yakup Keser, 35, who works in the Craigentinny Express chipshop opposite the flat.

He said: “It is serious stuff to have happen on your doorstep.

“There were at least six police cars out there; so many that I couldn’t see what was going on, but it sounded really bad.”

Another neighbour said police dog handlers were at the scene from 6.30pm until midnight.

They added: “I have a young son and it really worries me that something like this has gone on.

“I wasn’t in when it happened but I hope police find whoever did it as soon as they can.”


A spokesperson from Craigentinny Golf Club confirmed they helped look after the male victim while awaiting the emergency services.

They said: “At approximately 6.30pm on 14 July, an injured man made his way on to Craigentinny Golf Course.

“An Edinburgh Leisure member of staff administered first aid to the man and tended to him until the police and ambulance arrived on the scene.”

Now Lothian and Borders Police want to hear from anyone who knows more about the assault.

Detective Sergeant Mike Leask said: “This man and woman have been the victims of a horrific assault but I would like to reassure the public this is not a random attack.

“The man was so badly injured, he was unable to share the details of the incident until yesterday, and this is why we are making this appeal now.

“We are asking for anyone who was in the area around Craigentinny Road about 6pm last Wednesday, and who may have seen or heard anything suspicious, to come forward.

“This will be robustly investigated, with door to door enquiries underway in the area.”

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