Home 1 Police appeal for witnesses after Edinburgh muggings

Police appeal for witnesses after Edinburgh muggings


By Martin Graham

POLICE are appealing for witnesses after two women were robbed in separate incidents in Edinburgh.

A masked mugger brandished a knife at a 23 year-old woman after sneaking up on her from behind her early this morning.

The terrified student threw her handbag at the attacker, who then fled from Stead’s Place near Leith Walk.

Police said the mugger was white and had dark clothing with a balaclava or hooded top over his head.

The 1.30am attack came just three days after a similar incident in nearby Assembly Street.

Again the attacker approached a female victim from behind, nudging her in the back before snatching her purse and running off towards Elbe Street.

Detectives do not believe the two incidents are linked and called on witnesses to contact them immediately.

A spokesperson for Lothian and Borders police said: ?Although she was not injured, the young woman has been left badly shaken as a result of her ordeal.

She was a student walking back from a night out with friends, and had only had one drink.

The young woman threw her bag at the attacker and ran away.

In addition, we would like to talk to any motorists, or taxi drivers, who may have seen the suspect either before or after the incident.”

Officers also want to speak to a passer-by who chased after the suspect in the Saturday night attack but was unable to apprehend the robber.

The police spokesperson added: ?We are keen to trace the passer-by who came to the woman?s aid and chased the suspect.

Although neither victim was hurt, they were both shaken by the incidents.

It is unusual for strangers to be attacked in Edinburgh, the motivation in both cases appears to have been robbery.?

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