Home 1 Miss Scotland gets on her bike for charity Children 1st

Miss Scotland gets on her bike for charity Children 1st


By Martin Graham

MISS SCOTLAND Nicola Mimnagh got on her bike in Edinburgh today to support children’s charity Children 1st, and didn’t even remove her high heels.

Miss Scotland Nicola Mimnagh launches charity bike ride

Nicola was helping to launch the 4 Abbeys Cycle Challenge, a fundraising event set to take place in the Scottish Borders on Sunday 26 September.

The event starts in Melrose and offers a 55 mile route for seasoned bikers and a shorter 11 mile route for families.

Speaking at the launch, Nicola said: “The work that Children 1st do in Scotland is hugely important to the lives of vulnerable children and young people.

“When I was asked to support the event I jumped at the chance.

“I hope to see lots of people coming out for the 4 Abbeys Cycle Challenge and raise lots of money for the cause.”

Mafe Marwick, Director of Fundraising for Children 1st, said: “We are delighted that Nicola is lending her support to Children 1st and the 4 Abbeys Cycle Challenge.

“The participants of the challenge always have a great time and in previous years they’ve raised lots of money for the charity.

“All of the money raised from this event will go towards giving children and young people across Scotland the help and support they need and deserve.”   

The 55 mile main route takes in the four historic abbeys of the Scottish Borders at Melrose, Jedburgh, Kelso and Dryburgh. 

The 11 mile route is suitable for families and those looking for a more relaxed cycle ride. 

Children 1st is the new name for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, which has established 125 years ago to protect children from abuse and neglect.

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