Home 1 Gamu given good odds for Christmas number one

Gamu given good odds for Christmas number one


By Christine Lavelle

X FACTOR star Gamu Nhengu has been tipped to take this year’s Christmas number one slot.

Bookies have been forced dropped the 18-year-old’s odds from 50-1 to 15-1 as scores of people have been placing bets on her to land the festive chart-topper.

Alex Donohue, from Ladbroke’s betting shop, said: “Gamu’s popularity was evident when she was eliminated from X Factor.

“With some key public appearances in the run-up to the festive period, our punters have latched on to the fact that she may well be aiming for the coveted Christmas number one.

“We have seen a lot of money for her, so have been forced to slash the odds.”

But, Gamu and her family are still waiting to hear from the Home Office, with a decision over their deportation plight.

If the Home Office decides they have no case, they will be sent back to their native Zimbabwe.

Take That, Susan Boyle and JLS have all been given the same odds as Gamu for the Christmas chart, and George Michael has a 33-1 shot.

An X Factor spokeswoman refused to say whether Gamu is free to challenge for the top spot on the Christmas chart – as it is written into the contestants’ contracts that they may not sign another deal for three months after leaving the show.

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