Home 1 Tobin hoaxer torments Vicky's family on Facebook

Tobin hoaxer torments Vicky's family on Facebook


A VILE hoaxer pretending to be serial killer Peter Tobin has posted a message on a Facebook site dedicated to getting justice for his victims.

The message was posted yesterday (Wed) on the V.D.A Petition page, named after Tobin’s confirmed victims, Vicky Hamilton, Dinah McNicol and Angelika Kluk.

The hoaxer, who has also set up a Peter Tobin page on Facebook, wrote that he was: “Living life in Saughton.”

Michael Hamilton, father of Vicky, branded the message as “sick” and said he hoped police would try to track down the hoaxer as a warning to others.

The hoaxer’s Facebook page states: “The name’s Tobin. I am a nice guy to meet really, apart from all the rumours I have been accused of.

“I have been accused of several murders so I am spending my time in my sweet home Saughton prison.

“I have a few friends in here but the others hate me but I hate them too. I may be getting old but I can still handle myself. Anyway, enough about me.”

The site lists “Tobin’s” favourite quotation as: “Don’t know what you’re on about.”

The hoaxer then claims to be employed by “Her Majesty the Queen” before citing Michael Jackson as favourite music, and “horrors” and “serial killers” as favourite movies.

On “television” the hoaxer writes: “Hate it – that’s why I chucked it out my cell.

Tobin is serving life for murdering Vicky, 15, who disappeared as she waited for a bus in Bathgate, West Lothian, in 1991. He is also serving life for the murder the same year of Dinah, 18, and Polish student Angelika Kluk, 23, in Glasgow in 2006.

The Facebook message drew a furious response from supporters of the V.D.A Petition, which is trying to remove the right of appeal against conviction from anyone who kills more than once.

Christine Hamilton, Michael Hamilton’s second wife and Vicky’s step-mother, stormed on Facebook: “Police are on to you, sicko. Hope you end up beside him [Tobin].”

Eric Hamilton, brother of Michael, wrote: “We know who it is…so when we do prove it I will deal with you personally – that is a promise.”

Another asked: “What kind of animal does something like that? Go get yourself a life or even better throw yourself off a huge cliff you lowlife scumbag.”

Michael, from Redding, near Falkirk, said he had reported the Facebook message to detectives.

He said: “They are looking in to it but said straight away that no-one in jail would have access to the internet like this. The only way it could possibly be genuine is if Tobin was getting someone outside to do it.”

He added: “I think it’s a sick hoax, especially when I am trying to get justice. Whoever did should be in jail next to Tobin.

“It has upset me and I hope the police will try to find out who did it.”

Michael, 60, and Dinah’s father, Ian McNicol, 71, last week sent a video message to Tobin in which they demanded he confess his crimes and explain why he killed their daughters.

They told Tobin: “Your soul will walk within the four walls of your prison cell for all eternity. So you won’t just be in prison until you die, you will remain there forever, in the little cell you detest.”

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