Home News Scottish News Two arrested following voluntary interviews with police about student protests

Two arrested following voluntary interviews with police about student protests


TWO protesters have been arrested a month after a demonstration against public sector cuts which included a sit in at Edinburgh University.

Student protests were held throughout November and December where students marched, heckled and threw snowballs at the Scottish Parliament.

Some 300 people demonstrated, with some occupying rooms at the University of Edinburgh after the main protests at Holyrood.

Since then “several” people have been contacted by police about possible crimes and asked to attend voluntary interviews at St Leonards Police Station.

As a result, two people were arrested yesterday (Tue) for allegedly assaulting police officers.

But Michael Shaw, spokesperson for the Edinburgh Coalition group online, said he thinks police are trying to scare people off any future protests.

The 19-year-old mathematical physics student said: “I know that several members of the anti university cuts group have been being approached by police on the streets and at their homes, as a result of CCTV and video footage taken on the days the protests were held.

“I feel it is very unusual for the police to do this so long after the event.

“I know three people who have been approached and accused of assaults.

“In my opinion the police are using scare tactics to put us off demonstrating in the future.”

The group have had the support of the Scottish Activist Legal Project (ScALP) and have posted on their website and social networking site Twitter for anyone who is worried to get in touch.

Clare Ryan, an independent solicitor who works closely with ScALP, said: “I would not like to comment about these two cases as the procurator fiscal has not made the decision to prosecute the people yet.”

A police spokesperson refused to confirm what charges had been brought against the two suspects.

They said: “Following police inquires since the demonstration in Edinburgh on 30 November two people have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.”

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