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Kate Middleton proves she’s no fake


KATE Middleton was “furious” that she had to convince a social media giant she was real after they suspended her account.

Facebook disabled her account because they thought it was a fake.

The 19 year old Edinburgh had to prove that she shared the same name as the future Queen and that it was pure co-incidence.

Kate is a sound production student at Jewel and Esk College and discovered that her Facebook page had been removed from the site at the end of January.

Friends alerted her to the problem when they could not reach her through the site any more.

When she logged on, Kate found an email from Facebook explaining that her account had been shut down until she “verified” her name.

She said: “I couldn’t believe it and was furious.  To be honest, if they hadn’t re-registered it soon I wouldn’t have used it again.

“It took them ages to get back to me by claiming I was a fake.  Prince William’s future wife doesn’t own the copyright to the name Kate Middleton.

“I had put all my photos on the site and suddenly they were gone.  There’s a lot of stuff that I haven’t saved anywhere else and didn’t think I could get back.

“Worse, I was getting calls from friends and family saying they had emailed me and I hadn’t got back.

“A lot of people were quite annoyed with me.

“I just couldn’t understand why I couldn’t have my real name as my Facebook name.

“Do they think I saw Prince William getting engaged and ran out to create an impostor page pretending I was his Kate Middleton?

“Anyone could see my photo on my profile is completely different and I’m a 19 year old student in Edinburgh, not a future Royal!”

Kate hopes that when William’s bride changes her name it will make her life a little easier.

The student also has plans for April 29 – not a wedding but her mum’s 51st birthday party at their home in Portobello.

Facebook have recently re-opened the teenager’s account.  A spokesperson said: “We review thousands of piece of content every day and take action to ensure Facebook remains a safe and trusted environment for everyone.

“Of course, we make an occasional mistake.  This is an example.  When this happened, and it’s brought to our attention, we work quickly to resolve the issue.”

Facebook use a “real name culture”, which they believe leads to a greater accountability and it is a violation of their policies to use a fake name or false identity.

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