Home News Local News Drop-off fee to be passed on to taxi passengers

Drop-off fee to be passed on to taxi passengers


EDINBURGH Airport’s controversial £1 drop- off charge could be passed on to taxi passengers if taxi firms get their way.

Edinburgh’s biggest taxi firms have called for the council to perform an emergency fare review to allow them to include the drop-off charge for airport fares.

The taxi operators have been footing the bill for the £1 charge since last October, when the scheme was introduced.

Officials from the City of Edinburgh Council have recommended that councillors agree for a fare review to go ahead.

Raymond Davidson, secretary of the Edinburgh Taxi Association, said: “A lot of cab drivers say this is a grossly unfair way to charge passengers.

“However, the airport are still insisting that all cabs pay £1 so unfortunately that has got to be passed on, to the regret if the taxi companies, I would add.”

Travellers have the option of being dropped off for no extra charge at the long-stay car park, a ten minute walk from the terminal, which has a free shuttle bus service.

Taxi fares were not due to be reviewed until the summer, but if approved by councillors on Friday, a period of consultation would occur before the charge is introduced on July 1.

A spokesperson for airport operator BAA said: “The reason we changed the arrangements for the drop off was to cut congestion, provide a better experience for passengers and achieve environmental improvements and increased capacity.

“We are pleased with the way it has worked out.

“We understand the council is trying to come to some sort of arrangement with the taxi operators, but that is a matter for the council and taxi trade.”

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