Home News Scottish News Young woman in critical condition after falling from third floor window

Young woman in critical condition after falling from third floor window


A WOMAN was found seriously injured in a city street today after she fell from a window at a block of flats.

The 23-year-old was scrambled to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary with “traumatic” injuries after the incident in the city’s Bonnington area.

It was understood that officers from Lothian and Borders Police were investigating the possibility that the woman either fell or jumped from a third floor window at the block of flats in Broughton Road.

It is believed the woman’s boyfriend was inside the property when the incident happened at around 2.30am today (Mon).

Neighbours in the block said they had heard commotion and shouting during the night.

One resident, who lives across the landing, said he heard noise during the night but added that it was “hard to tell” if it was shouting or not.

The man, who asked not be named, said: “I got up about 3am because I couldn’t sleep. I went downstairs and I saw the girl lying on the ground. She had blood on her face and her head.

“The guy was running up and down the stairs frantically. I think he said she had fallen from the window.

“He said they had been drinking and you could smell the drink from his breath.

“There is a girl and a man who stay there, I think that they are Romanian.

“They have only been here about three weeks and before that it was Spanish people. They just rent the flat. A lot of people come and go, especially in the summer months.”

Another neighbour on the landing below said: “I heard some raised voices. It was on the landing above and then on this floor. I heard a girl crying.”

Forensic officers could be seen examining and the scene and taking photographs.

A pool of blood stained the road and the kerb outside the front door of the blocks of flats.

The entrance to the property was cordoned off but was lifted during the morning.

Part of the road was also closed off by police.

A police spokeswoman said: “A 23-year-old woman was found seriously injured in Broughton Road. We got the call at around 2.40am today. Investigations are taking place. The woman has suffered very severe injuries and is in hospital.”

A spokesman for the Scottish Ambulance Service said: “We were called to Broughton Road at around 2.30am.We uplifted a woman with traumatic injuries and took her to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.”

The woman was believed to be in a “critical but stable” condition.

Detective Inspector Matt Richards said: “We are appealing for anyone who may have been in the area around the time that this woman was found to get in touch to help us establish the circumstances.

“It may be that someone on their way home from a night out, or who perhaps lives locally, saw or heard something that can help officers piece together exactly what happened.

“We would also ask any taxi drivers who may have been working in the area early this morning to get in touch.

“Officers are continuing inquiries in Broughton Road, and I would ask anyone with information to contact them, or to call Lothian and Borders Police.”

Anyone with any information should contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555 111.

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