Home Entertainment Israelis brave Scottish weather for Bon Jovi gig

Israelis brave Scottish weather for Bon Jovi gig


By Ellen Wright

A GROUP of Bon Jovi fans from Israel have been braving Scotland’s weather for two days in a bid to get the best view of their idols.

The seven women have been camping on the streets since Monday – despite unseasonal heavy rain – and have spent at least 1,500 each for the privilege.

Bon Jovi are performing tonight (Wed) at Edinburgh’s Murrayfield Stadium in their first gig in the city for a quarter of a century.

One of the Israeli group, Mirit Marko, 31, said:

“We arrived on Monday and have been sleeping outside in our tent. Of course we are huge fans and arrived here from Denmark where they were playing two days ago. “

However, such devotion from fans comes at a cost. Travel expenses and ticket fees all add up.

“It is very expensive for us, at least 1500 each,’ she said.

“It has been a year’s wages but it’s worth it. “

This one night concert has not only attracted foreign support. Hundreds of Scots waited for hours outside the stadium appropriately dressed in Bon Jovi merchandise and weatherproof clothing.

Self-confessed Bon Jovi addict Nicola Whitelaw, 25, had travelled from Dumfries with her boyfriend Robert McGoldrick. She said:

“I’ve been obsessed with the band since my dad bought me their Crossroad tape in 94′.”

Dressed in a kilt and Bon Jovi T-shirt, she added:

“We’ve recently moved flat and are in need of some furniture but we booked Bon Jovi instead!’

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