Home News Scottish News Cannabis grower goes to pot as he reports crop stolen

Cannabis grower goes to pot as he reports crop stolen


By Kevin Duguid


David Williamson told police his cannabis plants had been stolen

A DOZY dope fiend is facing jail after he reported the theft – of his cannabis plants.

Police were called to David Williamson’s home to investigate reports that he had been assaulted and robbed.

But hapless Williamson made a hash of things by volunteering that the stolen property was two of his prized cannabis plants.

After turning himself from a victim into a suspected criminal, officers got a warrant to search the 34-year-old’s Edinburgh home and discovered a further 20 plants.

A rueful Williamson was immediately arrested, cuffed and marched off to a police cell.

The case caused barely disguised mirth among lawyers and officials at Edinburgh Sheriff Court  yesterday, when Williamson admitted producing a controlled drug at his Sighthill home in May this year.

Fiscal depute Dev Kapadia said the circumstances leading to Williamson’s arrest were “rather bizarre”.

He added: “The police had received an anonymous call reporting a disturbance. And when they arrived at the scene Williamson talked to the police. He said he had been the subject of an assault and robbery and some cannabis plants had been stolen from him.

“Police officers then took the view that there may be some production ongoing and obtained a warrant.”

His Facebook page states: “I love the Maryjane plant & support all its needs in this world.”

Mr Kapadia said 20 plants, some seedlings and cultivating equipment were recovered from Williamson’s Edinburgh home.

“Williamson subsequently admitted ownership of the cultivation, and told police that he grew his own cannabis to feed his habit,” the fiscal added.

The drugs were potentially worth £3,000.  Seedlings found at his home were worth an estimated £900, he added.

Sheriff Isabella McColl gave a wry smile as she asked Williamson’s defence agent Robbie Burnett for his client’s side of the story.

Mr Burnett offered no explanation for Williamson’s unprompted confession to the police who went to his home.

But he revealed his client, who suffers from Hepatitis C, was an authority on cannabis.

“During the course of the interview with police my client demonstrated a remarkably detailed knowledge of cannabis – the different strains and the different purposes to which it could be put,” he said.

This cartoon is part of Williamsons self-incriminating Facebook page

“Mr Williamson discovered that if he grew a particular strain he could suppress the Hepatitis C.

“His position is that when he is given the opportunity to do so he is hoping to live in Holland, where all these activities are lawful and where he can treat himself without breaking the law.”

Sheriff Isabella McColl deferred sentence for reports until next month.

After he was told when he should next appear in court an apparently humbled Williamson said “Thank you, your honour.”

Perhaps unwisely, Williamson’s page on Facebook clearly reveals his devotion to cannabis.

He states: “I love the Maryjane plant & support all its needs in this world.”

A cartoon shows an airborne Rastafarian smoking a huge spliff and the words: “Don’t drink and drive – smoke and fly.”


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