Home News Court & Crime Crime Scotland – October 10 and 11

Crime Scotland – October 10 and 11

Police are appealing for information after two men were assaulted in Blackburn


A MAN was robbed of his mountain bike in broad daylight as he made his way along a cycle path.

The 23-year-old was accosted near to to the Old Carnation Factory in Dumfries at around 4.30pm on Monday.

He was threatened by two men who then took his blue Raleigh mountain bike from him along with a set of keys.

The victim was not injured in the robbery however was shaken after the event.

Both assailants are described as being between 18 and 25 years old. One was 5’ 10” tall and of medium build. He had medium length brown mousey hair, light stubble and was wearing a grey hooded top, black tracksuit bottoms and white trainers.

The other man was about 6’ tall, of slim build, with straight short black hair. He was wearing a black coloured top and black tracksuit bottoms.

Both men spoke with an English accent.


MORE than £30,000 of damage has been caused at a car dealership in Dumfries.

Twenty-nine cars at Arnold Clark Garage in Annan Road were targeted over the weekend

Police are keen to hear from anyone who may have been in the vicinity of the garage over the weekend and who may have seen or heard anything suspicious.

THIEVES in Dumfries are targeting women by pretending to ask for directions.

A window at the premises of CSW Insurance in Annan Road in Gretna was smashed at around 25 past midnight on Friday, October 7.

At the time the following described man was seen looking into the window and then made off swiftly after the window was broken.

He is described as being male, 5’ 10” tall, skinny build, dark hair or was wearing a dark coloured hat, wearing dark trousers and a dark top.


A MAN forced his way into the home of a 95-year-old while claiming to be a plumber.

The incident occurred around 12.15pm on Wednesday, October 6 in Whauphill.

The man claimed he had been called to fix a leaking tap.  The lady challenged the man however he walked into the premises although left after a short while on being further challenged about the reason for his visit.

The man later returned to say that he had got the wrong address.  Nothing appears to have been taken in this incident however police want to hear from anyone who may have had a similar experience in the area, and want to reinforce the message about never letting anyone into your home without either knowing who they are and seeing proper identification of their identity.


A WINDOW was smashed at a house in Poplar Road in Dumfries.

The incident occurred around 9.45pm on Friday, October 7.

At the time a group of youths wearing hooded tops were seen at the scene throwing stones at the house.


A WINDOW in a house in Mill Road in Dumfries was smashed at around 11pm on Friday, October 7.


A BLACK Ford Fiesta car was vandalised while parked in the drive of a house in Maxwelltown Drive in Dumfries sometime overnight between Saturday, October 8 and Sunday, October 9.


POLICE in Dumfries are seeking witnesses to an altercation which took place at the railway station in the town at around midnight on Friday, October 7.

At that time a 16 year old boy was assaulted by a number of male youths in a group of males and females. As a result the victim received some minor cuts and bruising however did not require medical attention.


A GREY Mitsubishi Shogun 4 x 4 was stolen from the Border Cars compound in Terregles Street in Dumfries sometime in the early hours on Saturday, October 8.

The vehicle was found crashed at 4am near the Flosh Farm, Hollee, Kirkpatrick Fleming.  The vehicle was damaged but was empty when police arrived at the scene.


A SILVER VW Beetle was struck and damaged by a vehicle which failed to stop after the crash while it was parked in Queensberry Terrace in Cummertrees at around 1am on Saturday, October 8.

A RENAULT Megane car was struck and damaged by a vehicle which failed to stop after the crash while it was parked in at the rear of John Street in Dalbeattie sometime overnight between Friday, October 7 and Saturday, October 8.


POLICE in Gretna are investigating an assault on two 17 year old men, by a group of four men, in Central Avenue in Gretna, sometime around 9pm hours on Saturday, October 8.

The victims were taken to the Cumberland Infirmary as a result of their assaults however were checked over having received minor injuries of bruising and grazing.

One attacker is described as being 5’ 10 ” tall with dark short hair. He was wearing a black Adidas tracksuit and was in his mid teens. The second attacker was shorter than the first and had short blond hair. He was wearing a grey tracksuit and was also in his mid teens. There is no description for the other two men.


TWO flowerpots were thrown at a window and smashed outside the Arts Café in High Street, Sanquhar sometime overnight between Saturday, October 8 and Sunday, October 9.


AN ATTEMPT has been made to steal oil from a tank at Arnold Clarks in Annan Road, Dumfries, sometime overnight between Saturday, October 8 and Sunday, October 9.


A BLUE coloured Ford Focus car was vandalised while parked for a short time outside the Costcutter Store in Butts Street, Annan on the evening of Thursday, October 6.


MORE than 40 people have been charged with 70 separate offences in the last month during Fife Constabulary’s ‘Operation Journal’ crackdown on metal thefts.

In addition, a number of vehicles have been seized as part of the operation because they were in an unsafe and hazardous condition, uninsured or carrying an unsafe load.

The results come from a range of activities planned by Fife Constabulary’s Operation Journal team, which is dedicated to investigating and preventing thefts and illegal movement of scrap.

The operation has brought together partners at the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency, the Department of Work and Pensions and has involved close liaison with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.

Sergeant Joanne McEwan, leading Operation Journal, said: “Theft of metal is a growing problem as the value of metal has increased. The Operation Journal Team use  a variety of tactics in an effort to disrupt those dealing illegally in scrap. We have had a great deal of support from our partners  and have made significant progress since we started a month ago.

“Operating as a metal dealer comes with certain responsibilities in terms of proper and safe handling of waste and anyone engaging in this should be properly registered with their local authority and may also require a SEPA licence. Any person intending to carry out business collecting metal should ensure they are appropriately licensed.

“I would ask that if anybody has information regarding scrap metal thefts to call us on 0845 600 5702 or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where all calls are treated anonymously.”


POLICE are appealing for witnesses after a female was indecently assaulted in the Mastrick area.

The incident took place about 7.05pm on Saturday, October 8 on Mastrick Drive, Aberdeen.

The offender is described as being about 5ft in height, slight build and aged about 14-15 years.  He was wearing a dark hooded top, dark tracksuit bottoms and white trainers.


A MAN was robbed of hundreds of pounds in the early hours on Saturday morning.

The 41-year-old had his wallet taken on Union Street, near to McCombie Court, at around 1.30am.

Police are looking to trace the male assailant who is described as about 6 foot, of slim build and wearing a grey hooded top.

He may have been with two other males just prior to the incident.


COCAINE worth £42,000 has been seized in Aberdeen.

A 35-year-old man has been charged in connection with the seizure and is was to appear at Aberdeen Sheriff Court on today.


Thomas could have travelled to Inverness

CONCERNS are growing for the welfare of a 65-year-old man who has gone missing from his home in County Durham.


HEROIN worth £1200 has been seized in Shetland.

On Saturday morning police officers searched a 26-year-old man who was disembarking the ferry from Aberdeen.

The man remains in police custody and a report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.


Police have been dealing with the sudden death of a 20-year-old man in the Dalneigh area of Inverness.

Officers were called to an address in Limetree Avenue at around 5pm on 9 October 2011.

There do not appear to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death. Inquiries are ongoing.

A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.


NORTHERN Constabulary and Highland Council Trading Standards are warning the public of a possible ‘scam’ after receiving reports from people who recently responded to a ‘mystery shoppers’ advert in a local newspaper. The advert invites people to pose as a ‘mystery shopper’ and test the services provided by businesses in return for payment.

Those responding to the advert are sent a cheque for a larger sum than a mystery purchase they are required to make, with a request to deposit it into their bank, use a portion for a mystery purchase and their fee, and transfer the remainder to another account. The cheque is fraudulent, and is returned unpaid by the victim’s bank, after the money has been transferred.

David MacKenzie, Team Leader with Highland Council Trading Standards said: “Mystery shopping is a perfectly legitimate activity and is an important method used by both businesses and regulators such as Trading Standards to ensure that customers are getting value for money when buying goods and services. As usual, the scammers are trying to take advantage of a genuine practice with this new way of cheating people out of their hard-earned money”

“Anyone interested in carrying out mystery shopping work should make detailed checks into the organisation involved. We would advise that you get everything in writing, make checks on-line and if necessary contact Trading Standards or the Police. We would also suggest that a mode of operation of the type used in this scam is never likely to be the work of a legitimate mystery shopping organisation”

Advice on this and related consumer matters is available from Trading Standards’ partner organisation Consumer Direct on 08454 040506.

Police investigations into the reported incidents are on-going and anyone with any information is asked to contact police on 01463 715555.


John Stewart was reported missing by his father

POLICE are appealing to the media and the public for assistance in tracing a man missing from his home in Clydebank since Sunday, October 2.


John Stewart (38), of Auchnacraig Road, Clydebank, was last seen by his father leaving the family home to go fishing with a friend early on Sunday morning. When he did not come home after two days, his father contacted police.

John is described as white, 5 ft 8 in height, of medium build and has brown hair going grey.  He has tattoos on both arms; a unicorn and a cross on his left arm and an eagle on his right.  It is not known what he was wearing at the time he disappeared.

Despite an extensive search by officers, including the Force helicopter, of the local area there have been no sightings of John.

Sergeant Alan Orr, Clydebank Police Office said today: “John, who lives with his elderly father in Clydebank, used to go fishing sometime ago, however, he has not expressed an interest in this for a good while.

“On Sunday he said that he was going out fishing with an old friend he had  met from Bearsden. He said the man was called Peter, however, we do not know who this person is – although it is thought he may be an old army buddy.

“The areas he would have gone fishing are Greenside Reservoir, Carneddans Wood, Queens Reservior and Endrick River, however, all of these areas have been searched by officers with no trace.

“It is not like John not to keep in contact with his dad or family or to be away for any length of time, hence the concern for him.

“I would ask that either himself contact police to let them know all is ok, or for ‘Peter’ or anyone with information that will help find him to speak to police.

“Information can be passed to Clydebank Police Office on 0141 532 3300, your local office or in confidence to CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 55 111.


DETECTIVES are continuing their enquiries and appealing for witnesses after a 27-year-old man was seriously assaulted in Easterhouse on Sunday 9 October 2011.

Around 0100 hours on Sunday morning, the 27-year-old man was walking on Ware Road in Easterhouse when he was approached by four to six men who pushed him to the ground and seriously assaulted him.

The injured man was taken by ambulance to Glasgow Royal Infirmary where he was treated for head and facial injuries, then later released.

The only description of the men involved at this time is that they were wearing hooded tops.

Detective Constable Bernadette Gallagher at Shettleston Police Office said today:

“I am sure that there are witnesses to this assault who haven’t yet come forward to police.

“I would urge any witnesses, or anyone with information that may assist police enquiries to contact Shettleston Police Office on 0141 532 4800.  Alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.”


STRATHCLYDE Police is appealing for information following a house fire in Bothwell in the early hours of Sunday 9 October 2011.

Around 5.30am on Sunday a passer-by saw smoke coming from a house in Silverwells Crescent, Bothwell and contacted emergency services.

Strathclyde Fire and Rescue attended and found the house well ablaze and suffering extensive damage.  Fortunately, no-one was in the house at the time.

Fire and Rescue services have informed Strathclyde Police that the fire is wilful.

An investigation into the cause is underway and officers are appealing for the help of the public.

Speaking this morning from Hamilton Police office Detective Constable Eddie Mather said:

“Thankfully no one was at home at the time of the fire.  We have established that the house was broken into and property stolen before the fire was started.  We are carrying out extensive enquiries including going door to door to establish the identity of those responsible.

“This is a residential area and I am appealing to anyone who lives locally or anyone who may have seen someone hanging around in the early hours of the morning to contact me.

“Also if anyone has any information on those responsible I would ask that they contact Hamilton CID on 01698 483359.  Alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS can be contacted on 0800 555111 if you with to remain anonymous.”


STRATHCLYDE Police is appealing for information following a robbery at a store in Douglas, Lanarkshire on Saturday 8 October 2011.

Around 7.55am on Saturday, two young men wearing balaclavas and gloves entered the A1 Store in Main Street, Douglas, and threatened the two female members of staff with knives then made off with a small amount of cash and a quantity of cigarettes.

The two members of staff aged 35 and 53 were uninjured but badly shaken as a result of the robbery.

Detectives are keen to speak to the occupants of a silver BMW car that was sitting outside the shop with its lights off and the engine running, as they may have witnessed something vital to this enquiry.


OFFICERS are continuing enquiries and appealing for information following an armed robbery at a bank in Glasgow city centre on Monday 10 October 2011.

Around 10.40am on Monday, three men, who witnesses have said were dressed in what looked like police uniform, entered the Natwest Bank in Blythswood Square in Glasgow City Centre.

The three men threatened a member of security staff who was making a delivery to the bank with what appeared to be a firearm.

No firearm was discharged and no persons were injured, however, the guard and the staff within the bank were badly shaken as a result of this robbery.

The suspects then left in a silver-coloured car and was last seen heading down Blythswood Street and then turned right onto Waterloo Street before heading onto the westbound carriageway of the M8.

Officers can confirm that cash has been stolen, however the amount is still being established.

Detective Inspector Kate Jamieson of Stewart Street Police Office said today:

“Extensive police enquiries are ongoing in the local area and police are currently studying CCTV footage in an effort to gather more information on the exact circumstances and those responsible.

“I would urge anyone who may have seen these men acting suspiciously in the area of  Blythswood Square around the time of the incident, or who may have seen this silver car being driven erratically through the city centre to come forward to police as a matter of urgency.  ”






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