Home News Scottish News Trams ready to roll – all of 500 metres

Trams ready to roll – all of 500 metres

Mediators have stepped in to resolve six new disputes
The trams will hit the road in December - but only go 470 metres

EDINBURGH’S beleaguered trams are set to roll on the city’s streets by December – but will travel less than 500 metres.

And passengers will not be able to use the vehicles as the December 2 launch is merely a test run.

The trams are expected to be delivered to Scotland from storage in Spain in the next few weeks before being taken for train on a 470 metre test track running alongside the A8.

The announcement comes as the route depot was finally connected to the electricity network.

Councillor Gordon Mackenzie, the city’s transport leader, said: “Electrification of the depot is a very positive step forvard for the project and paves the way for track testing of the first tram vehicles later this year. It illustrates, on the ground, how far we have come since mediation.

“We are now seeing people working on Princes Street and west Edinburgh. The more we see these sorts of developments the more it gives confidence that the project is back on track.”


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