Home News Scottish News Thugs steal graveside memorial

Thugs steal graveside memorial

Andrew Fyfe, 65, died from a heart attack in 2008

CALLOUS thieves have stolen a memorial bench dedicated to a much-loved father of two from his graveside.

The black wooden bench was discovered missing by Andrew Fyfe’s horrified family when they went to visit his grave in Culross cemetery last week.

The 65-year-old died suddenly from a heart attack in 2008.

Police believe the bench was taken from the site, on the B9037, sometime between Monday, October 3 and Monday, October 10.

Local Community Sergeant Darren Stewart said; “Police are seeking the assistance of the public in recovering this bench and identifying the persons responsible for stealing it. This is obviously very upsetting for the family involved.

“If anybody is aware of who was responsible for the theft or of the whereabouts of the bench, or if they saw anybody acting suspiciously at the cemetery, please contact the police.”


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