Home Business Couriers hopes government has learnt lessons over harsh winter

Couriers hopes government has learnt lessons over harsh winter

The company said last winter was catastrophic for their business
The company said last winter was catastrophic for their business

SCOTLAND’S largest independent courier company has said the Scottish government must learn lessons from the last two harsh winters.

Transport Scotland launched their £15 million winter service in October ahead of predictions that Scotland is set for below average temperatures from December through to February with heavy snow expected to fall from November to January.

This year they plan to give more information to road users, and have increased salt stocks and improved road monitoring.

Jerry Stewart, director of Eagle Couriers, said he is hopeful the measures will avoid a repeat of last year’s chaos.

He said: “Our company was nearly ground to a halt last year after the country experienced some of the worst snowfall in recent memory.

“The M8 motorway – the busiest main route in the country – closed for an unprecedented two days, our drivers use this particular road hundreds of times a week, so its closure was a catastrophic disruption to the business.”

Salt stocks are at 70% of the total levels used last year but road authorities cannot guarantee to keep roads free from snow and ice in adverse conditions.

Jerry continued: “It’s understandable that when severe weather hits there will be inevitable disruptions even with the best of plans but we hope that the operating companies really will be better prepared to keepScotlandmoving this season.

“The high percentage of salt stocks must surely be an improvement on last year and more salt stock available hopefully minor roads will be treated with the same level of concentration as the major ones as it was these routes that caused the most problems for our staff and no doubt other drivers.”

Since the widespread panic caused by last year’s severe weather conditions, Eagle Couriers is adding a public service to its remit by sending Facebook and Twitter updates alerting motorists about what’s happening on Scotland’s major roads ahead of traffic updates.



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