Home News Scottish News Pensioner defiant after being battered by thief

Pensioner defiant after being battered by thief

The widower was left with a black eye
The thug punched George before making off with his bracelet

A DISABLED widower has told how a vicious thug attacked him in his own garden and made off with his bracelet.

George Comisky, who walks with a zimmer frame, had walked just a few hundred yards from the pub on Easter Road, Edinburgh where he had spent the evening when the yob struck.

George, who is recovering from a broken back and pelvis sustained in a fall at his home last August, was punched in the face and landed in a heap on the ground with his zimmer frame on top of him.

After tearing the gold bracelet from the pensioner’s wrist, the assailant ran off, leaving the retired security guard in a heap on the concrete patio.

Police are now appealing for witnesses to the attack, which happened at around 12.20am on Thursday.

Mr Comisky said: “I’d been in Middletons for a drink and had just left to go home. I normally leave at about 8pm or 9pm, but I had stayed later because I got chatting. A friend offered to see me home but I said it would be fine. I was in my street when I saw a shadow behind me. I turned round to look and someone ducked back into a garden, but I could see their feet sticking out.


“I was at my front gate when this man came up behind me. He said, ‘I know what you’re up to, I’m going to do you’. I told him I didn’t know who he was but he kept saying he would hit me. I said, ‘If you want to hit an old man who’s nearly 79 years old then carry on’, and he said, ‘I’ll hit you all right’.

“I started shouting for help and that’s when he punched me and I fell back on to the ground. He pulled the bracelet off my wrist but left my rings. It was a bracelet I had bought on holiday in Australia.

The widower was left with a black eye

“The Zimmer frame had fallen on top of me but I managed to get up and call the police. The officers thought my cheek might be broken so they called for an ambulance, but the paramedics said it was just badly swollen.”

Mr Comisky, who used to work as a security guard at the National Library of Scotland, vowed not to let the thug win. He said: “It’s not going to stop me going out.

“There’s lot of druggies in this area and I think whoever did this probably followed me home. I just hope they catch him before he does the same to someone else.”

The suspect is described as white, in his early 20s, 6ft tall with a slim build and a pale, clean-shaven complexion. He was wearing a dark anorak with the hood up, black trousers and black shoes/trainers and spoke with a local accent.

A police spokesman said: “The victim suffered a painful injury to his face but did not require medical attention.

“Nevertheless, this was an upsetting ordeal, which saw him robbed of his jewellery.”

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