Home Entertainment SuBo confident at last

SuBo confident at last

Susan Boyle said she had stopped looking at the positives in her life

SCOTS singing sensation SuBo has said she has “conquered her demons” after struggling with her sudden rise to fame.

TheBritain’s got Talent star told a national newspaper that she now felt “confident” and was enjoying her celebrity lifestyle.

The 50-year-old, who has previously spent time in the Priory clinic, said: “I feel I now belong. It is this acceptance and the feeling of belonging which has helped me lay my demons to rest. This is really the first time I can feel confident and blessed.

“It’s taken a while to learn how to be happy and enjoy what I’m doing.

“I was so scared it would all come to an end that I stopped looking at the positives.”

She said her “Insecurities were building day by day in a vice like grip.”

But added: “After a good talking to I’m learning to be happy, learning to accept what my life has become, learning to control my temper, and above all enjoying the moments I am experiencing now.”

Susan shot to fame after her 2003 BGT audition became an internet hit.

She added: “I’m capable of so much more and if I keep pushing my boundaries then hopefully I will be able to continue in the profession I love.”

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