Home News Scottish News Naked man waved genitals at gang of youths

Naked man waved genitals at gang of youths

Gordon Baptie confronted the youths while naked

A MAN admitted shaking his genitals and shouting at a group of youths as he stood in his doorway completely naked.

Gordon Baptie, 58, admitted a breach of the peace on 25 September this year.

Edinburgh sheriff court head how shocked neighbours discovered him arguing with a group of youths in the street at 5pm.

The court heard one neighbour went into her garden in Newtongrange, Midlothian, with two friends for a cigarette.

She heard shouting from the street, and went out to investigate.

Fiscal depute Anna Murphy said: “She saw Mr Baptie standing in his doorway completely naked.”

Baptie was shouting and arguing with a group of youth around 30 meters away.

“He grabbed his penis and testicles and continued shouting at the youths,” she said.

Baptie returned inside, but the incident was not over.

She continued: “The youths then banged on his door, and he then returned outside completely naked.”


The neighbour then contacted the police, who found Baptie was still exposing himself.

Ms Murphy said: “On arrival, he was back in the street.

“He had a housecoat on, but he was still exposing himself.”

Officers smelled alcohol on his breath, she said.

He was arrested, but was unable to make a coherent reply.

He was later taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for medical assessment.

Defence agent Elaine Clancy said: “During this incident Mr Batie was highly intoxicated.”

She added he had bipolar disorder, and had two previous breach of the peace convictions.

“All his offending is due to difficulties with alcohol,” she said.

Sheriff Frank Crowe deferred sentencing for criminal background reports.

Baptie will be made to sign the sex offenders register, for a period of time to be determined on 2 February next year.

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