Home News Scottish News Man jailed for vicious assault and robbery on pensioner

Man jailed for vicious assault and robbery on pensioner

Jason Forrest was sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh

A 31-year-old man who carried out a vicious assault on an 84-year-old woman at her home in Dundee before robbing her was jailed for five and a half years at the High Court in Edinburgh today (Tues Feb 7).

Jason Forrest admitted assaulting an 84-year-old woman in her own home in Stirling Street on September 17 last year.

Expressing satisfaction over today’s sentence, Detective Sergeant Marc Lorente, Senior Investigating Officer, said:

“This was a violent and despicable attack on an elderly woman within her own home and it was clear throughout our enquiries that the public shared our revulsion that someone could stoop so low.

“Forrest’s victim endured a sustained assault and suffered significant injuries, but she has proved to be remarkably resilient and, with the close support of her family was able to assist greatly with our enquiry.

“I want to pay tribute to her bravery. I hope that today’s sentence offers her some much-deserved closure and she is able to resume a normal life.

“There was significant press coverage throughout our enquiries, which assisted in the local community coming together to offer their support. That has been gratefully received by the victim and her family.

“Tayside Police thanks the media for their help and the many members of the public who came forward to assist the investigation.”

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