Home News Scottish News Observant police officer catches church thief

Observant police officer catches church thief

The man escaped with a three figure sum of money.
PC Menzies happened to be on duty nearby to stop the theft

A MAN that stole a handbag and jewellery items from a church during a service was arrested within minutes, thanks to the observational skills of a Fife police officer.

The incident took place on Sunday, February 12. Luckily PC Craig Menzies was driving nearby when he saw the man running from the church and carrying the handbag, he then proceeded to stop and arrest him. The man has now pled guilty at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court to the theft.

Stephen Ramsay, 28, of no fixed abode, will be sentenced at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on February 24th.

PC Menzies said: “This was a despicable theft which took place while the congregation were in the middle of holding their service. This man was welcomed in to the church and he repaid the hospitality of the congregation by stealing from them and running away. Fortunately I was driving nearby and saw him running and carrying a handbag, so I stopped and arrested him.”


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