Home News Scottish News £23,000 confiscated from drug dealer

£23,000 confiscated from drug dealer

Police cordoned off the park and the surrounding area

A DRUG dealer has been ordered to hand over £23,000 after pleading guilty to supplying amphetamine and diazepam.

Joan McKenzie, 48, had a confiscation order for £23,117.94 handed down at Inverness Sheriff Court today.

McKenzie, from Inverness, was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment for her crime.

She was employed by the NHS as a Donor Service Support Officer at the time of the offences, in June 2010.

Lindsey Miller, Head of the Serious and Organised Crime Division (SOCD) and the current POCA champion, said: “Dealing drugs is a serious offence and any money made in this way is subject to the Proceeds of Crime Act.

“Drug dealing is classed as a ‘lifestyle offence’ under the Proceeds of Crime Act, meaning that the court could look at McKenzie’s income over the six years prior to her arrest.

“On that basis, and despite the fact that the value of the drugs recovered from her home was less than £8,000, the court found that £23,117 could not be accounted for legitimately.

“Today’s confiscation order represents her total criminal benefit and is yet another excellent example of the wide ranging powers of the legislation.

“The money will be added to the £44 million already gathered via the Proceeds of Crime Act, and re-invested in the CashBack for Communities programme.”

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