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Dollar goes copper


PUPILS from Dollar Academy have been given a glimpse into the world of cabling and electrical engineering thanks to a Scots building support firm.

Arthur McKay, who is currently installing a new cabling system at the school, invited 21 pupils studying Physics, Technological Studies and Economics to spend a day at Brand-Rex’s Scottish headquarters in Glenrothes to experience working in the industry first hand.

Pupils toured the company’s factory production and testing areas, where they viewed live demonstrations of how data cabling systems are made.

A presentation was also arranged on the technology of fibre optics which was especially of interest to the pupils studying this as part of their Physics studies.

The trip was organised by Peter Branfield, Business Development Manager at Arthur McKay’s Networking Department, who is keen to promote educational and training opportunities for aspiring students, between the firm and its partners.

Peter said: “At Arthur McKay we have a strong company commitment to nurturing and developing young talent and the trip to Brand Rex’s headquarters was a fantastic opportunity for students to gain an insight into the working world of data cabling from an industry leader.

“The trip was a great success and the feedback from the pupils has been really positive – some of them have even expressed an interest in pursuing a career in computer networking as a result. We hope that the trip will enrich their learning experience and that they now can apply their new found knowledge in class.

“Not only were they able to take the information they have been learning in their classes and apply it in a real life context, they were also able to hear first hand what its like to work in the industry and what it takes to succeed.

“We would like to arrange a similar trip for pupils next year and hope that it will be just as successful.”

Arthur McKay has been an accredited Brand-Rex supplier for the past thirty years, promoting its products and services to its clients. Brand-Rex is the only UK manufacturer of both copper and fibre cabling systems and made the original IBM specification cabling forty years ago.

Frank Ward, Customer Relationship Manager from Brand-Rex said: “When we were asked by Arthur McKay if the trip would be possible, we agreed straight away as we thought it would be a unique opportunity for the pupils.  School trips can be fun but they can also teach students a great deal, by involving them in the practical side of what they are studying.

“We hope it was beneficial for pupils who were perhaps contemplating a career in the manufacturing industry as they got a glimpse of what really goes on in the workplace.”


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