Home In Brief £8k of cannabis seized

£8k of cannabis seized

Police cordoned off the park and the surrounding area

POLICE have recovered cannabis plants worth more than £8000 in a raid on a local house.

On Monday, May 2, following information received from the public, officers from the Burntisland Community Team carried out a raid on a local house where they found 30 cannabis plants, with an estimated value of £8100.

Local Community Officer PC Keith Gibb, who led the investigation, said: “This again demonstrates our willingness to act on information supplied by members of the public. The seizure of these plants further protects the community in which we all live and work, and makes a serious dent into the illegal activities of those wishing to make a profit out of the misery of others.

“As a result of the information we received two people are now being reported to the Procurator Fiscal for offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act.”

Sergeant Scott Murray, who is also based at Burntisland, said: “We will deal robustly with illegal drugs that plague our communities and are committed to doing so to ensure that our communities remain as safe as we can make them.  I would like to take this opportunity to ask members of the Community to let us now of concerns they have surrounding this illegal activity. They can speak with us directly on 0845 600 5702 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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