Home News Scottish News Parakeet found on doorstep

Parakeet found on doorstep


THE Scottish SPCA is seeking the owner of a parakeet found straying in Carnoustie.

Scotland’s animal welfare was called by a resident of Taymouth Street who spotted the weak and frightened rosa bourke on their doorstep.

Now named Pinky, the bird is being cared for at the charity’s Angus, Fife and Tayside Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre.

Assistant manager Lesley Clark said, “Pinky is a lovely and very happy wee bird.

“It’s possible Pinky has escaped from an aviary but someone could also be missing their pet.

“There is an identification ring on Pinky’s leg and its unique number will help us ensure anyone who comes forward is the owner.

“We really hope someone recognises this cheery little bird as we’d love to return Pinky home.”

Anyone who recognises Pinky is being asked to call the Scottish SPCA Animal Helpline on 03000 999 999.


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