Home News Scottish News City crackdown on smoking litter

City crackdown on smoking litter


A NEW anti-litter scheme aimed at smokers has been launched in Edinburgh.

Edinburgh’s South West Neighbourhood team will be stepping up patrols this week and next as part of an initiative to target smoking litter in the Gorgie and Dalry area.

From Wednesday 9 May to Friday 11 May environmental wardens will be distributing smoking pouches to all relevant businesses in the area in an effort to discourage employees and customers from dropping cigarette butts on the street.

Council workers have been handing out smoking pouches

Increased day time and extra weekend patrols with Lothian and Borders Police will then be carried out in the following week and enforcement action taken in the form of a £50 fixed penalty issued to anyone seen littering.

At the same time wardens will also give out leaflets encouraging local shop owner’s assistance by removing any graffiti from their shop fronts and encouraging them to keep the area directly in front of their shops clean.

Mike Avery, South West Neighbourhood Manager, said: “Keeping our streets clean and tidy is one of our top priorities. We want to encourage people to make a few small changes that could have a major impact on the appearance of the South West Neighbourhood.

“Giving advice and support to businesses and local residents is the first step in tackling cigarette litter. But we are determined to crackdown on the irresponsible minority who have little regard for the cleanliness of the environment we all share.”

This Thursday you can follow the teams patrols live as they use their Twitter account, @southwest_team, to give updates from out on the beat. It’s another medium by which the team hope to engage local residents in this initiative.

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