Home News Scottish News Recommended new drug for prostate cancer not yet availiable for Scots

Recommended new drug for prostate cancer not yet availiable for Scots


THE NATIONAL Institute for Health and Clinical Exchellence (NICE) announces today that they are going to start recommending  – the breakthrough treatment for advanced prostate cancer – but only for NHS in England and Wales.

The Prostate Cancer Charity has welcomed the announcement, but has vowed to continue campaigning until the drug is available on the NHS for all men who need it throughout the UK.

Owen Sharp, Chief Executive of The Prostate Cancer Charity commented: “This announcement represents a resounding triumph for each of the thousands of men with advanced prostate cancer in England and Wales who know just how much the prospect of precious extra time with their loved ones really means. We are delighted that NICE has overturned its earlier decision after reviewing the evidence. We are also pleased that the manufacturer responded to our call to deliver a further reduction in price.

“Although today marks a very welcome advancement, it has to be remembered that abiraterone remains out of reach to men in Scotland on the NHS. We need to see every man who needs this drug receive it on the NHS, regardless of where they live in the UK. 

“We picked up the baton for these men in England and Wales – for whom other treatment options have run out – and led this campaign with a strong conviction that NICE’s decision had to be changed. Abiraterone is a genuine breakthrough drug and we are delighted to see our argument that it is an end of life drug hit home. We are grateful to the politicians, media, partners, and men, who joined us in championing the rights of men with this disease, which has suffered a legacy of neglect for decades. We will continue to appeal to ensure this decision is mirrored in Scotland. All men with advanced disease deserve the chance to enjoy treasured moments with their families, with improved quality of life.”

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