Home Entertainment Correct those awkward romantic moments with new film

Correct those awkward romantic moments with new film


EVER MET someone you fancied only to be left thinking “why did I say/do that?” moments later? Well, an interactive film from a Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design graduand lets you replay those encounters and correct your actions.

‘The Wardrobe’ is a short interactive film that relies on user input to affect the outcome and progression of the story. It is the final project undertaken by Keiran O’Rourke on the Time Based Art & Digital Film programme, and will be shown at this year’s DJCAD Degree Show from  May 17-24.

Keiran’s film gives the audience control of what they are watching and experiencing by using technology that is readily available such as Blu-ray DVD’s and digital video.

With the interactive film the viewer can decide the outcome of the story

The Warbrobe tells a simple ‘boy-meets-girl’ tale with a twist of suspicion and horror, but the technology means that it can easily be applied to any story in the future. It takes place on the male protagonist’s first day on a new job, where he meets an attractive female colleague.

At several points, viewers are prompted to make a decision on behalf of either the man or woman, and the choices they make guides the film through to one of four potential endings.

30 year-old Keiran, from Broughty Ferry, says he was influenced by his experiences of reading role-playing books when he was a child. “I then went on to get into role-playing games and video games, and I’m a big horror fan so that was also an inspiration for me,” he said.

“I did a series of short horror films when I was in third year, and I told my lecturers that I was going to do another one this year and they were encouraging me to do something different.

“It had always been in my mind to do something with interactive film for my final year, so that gives a twist to a very traditional type of story. The Wardrobe lasts between 5 and 15 minutes, depending on the choices you make, and it looks at how the everyday decisions you make can have a profound impact on your life.”

 The Wardrobe was co-written with Keiran’s friend Paul J. Creegan. The pair have ideas for several more interactive films, and will be looking to develop them for an online audience after graduation.

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