Home News Scottish News Majority of AA members support points on licence for car litter louts

Majority of AA members support points on licence for car litter louts


SIXTY one per cent of AA members think people caught throwing litter from cars should be punished with three points on their licence, a fixed penalty fine and possibly a community service order, according to an AA Populus poll of 8,800.

These findings are released as AA staff across the UK are showing that there’s nothing rubbish about picking up litter when teams in Basingstoke, Oldbury, Cheadle, Cardiff and Newcastle blitz roads, pavements, paths and parks this week.

The Basingstoke HQ team led by Andrew Strong, AA CEO and Edmund King, AA President, will be hitting the streets at 11am on Monday 21 May before the Jubilee Celebrations.

Litter on roads can cause danger to other road users

During the next fortnight, hundreds of AA Streetwatch members have also volunteered to conduct an hour’s tidy-up in their neighbourhood.

Commenting on the AA Big Litter Pick, Edmund King, AA President, said: “Almost 90% of drivers get angry when other drivers litter. Most drivers are adamant they are not the cause of litter themselves, with only 8% admitting ‘litter guilt’. Whoever is to blame there is no excuse for being a roadside ‘litter lout’ whose actions can cause a danger to other road users and also to those who have to clear up after them. The majority of AA members would like to see car litter louts punished with fines, penalty points and possibly community service.

“Prior to the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations and the Olympics, AA staff and members are determined to do our bit to clean up the streets and parks.”

For the Highways Agency, litter is not only unsightly but also a threat to the environment. Clearing rubbish puts road workers at risk of injury and diverts resources away from road maintenance and repairs.”

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