Home News Scottish News Groom rejects Port-manteau to take bride’s surname

Groom rejects Port-manteau to take bride’s surname


A SCOTS groom is breaking with tradition to take his bride’s surname to prevent the name dying out.

Although she initially planned to take Graeme Drysdale’s name Jennifer Port decided she wanted to keep her surname and her husband-to-be suggested he change his to match after ruling out the option of a double barrelled name.

Jennifer’s father is the last male to hold the Port surname and Jennifer’s only sibling is also a girl.


Graeme took Jennifer’s surname when they married  Photo:Mike Boyd

The couple who married on 14 April in Glasgow after being together for two years.

The 30-year-old professional musician didn’t expect Graeme to take the Port name so last October when her boyfriend of two years made the suggestion she was surprised.

She felt keeping her surname was important for her line of work and had intended to keep her maiden name on her website.

Jennifer said: “It is important to keep the family heritage.

“The fact that I don’t have to change anything is great.”

After having the same name for over 30 years Graeme, 33, said: “It feels very new and odd at the moment but it is exciting.

“I’m still in the process of changing my name on bank statements and official documents.

“My family were delighted [at the name change] and thought it was a very nice thing to do.”

Jennifer, originally from Golspie, a Scottish Highland village is an established musician who can play a variety of instruments but specialises in the Clàrsach, a Scottish harp.

Jennifer’s career has taken her across the globe from America, Australia to China, playing to a host of well known and influential faces.

They include Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York, Kofi Annan at the G8 summit in Scotland in 2005 and Madonna and Guy Richie at their 2000 wedding.

Graeme’s idea to change his surname was not the first time he had taken Jennifer by surprise.

He took Jennifer to Venice last June as a 30th birthday present and popped the big question.

Graeme said a lot of organisation was involved in the wedding but described the day as fantastic.

They wanted the ceremony to be the focus of the day. With Jennifer’s background, music naturally filled the day. Nine different acts appeared in total.

“It was exactly as we planned. Everyone was excited and happy. It was very musical.” he said.

The couple returned from their honeymoon a week ago after spending a relaxing time in India and the Maldives.

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