Home News Local News Council make U-turn decision after denying disabled woman parking

Council make U-turn decision after denying disabled woman parking

Anita has already been re-housed to St. Andrews from Anstruther

A SCOTS council has made a dramatic U-turn on its decision to deny a woman with artificial legs a disabled parking space outside her home.

Just last week, Fife Council bosses said Anita Gatherum, 45, could not have access to a disabled space – because a 10-metre cycle lane was already in place on the residential street.

But now transport bosses have agreed that Anita, who walks with crutches and has a specially adapted car which is controlled using her hands alone, can have the disabled parking space after all.

Anita has already been re-housed to St. Andrews from Anstruther


Anita received a phone call this week from Fife Council explaining they would be more than happy to provide her with a parking space within the next six weeks.

The 45-year-old was originally told that she would not get a spot outside her home because a 10-metre cycle lane was already in place on the quite residential street.

A disabled bay was offered as an alternative further away from the property but was too far for Anita to make the journey from her car to her home.

Anita said: “I am happy that they are going to lift the cycle lane but I don’t understand why this turn around did not happen sooner.

“I am relieved that at least they are putting one in, it means I will definitely have a space outside my door.

“I have already waited since January when we first moved in, so I can wait another five or six weeks if that’s what it takes.”

Alistair Drummond, Transport manager for Fife council said: “The new parking space will take about four to six weeks to be put in. But it does depend on what other work is on and of course the weather.

“The parking space was never refused. Other alternative locations where offered to her on her street.”

He added: “We are still going to leave a short section of the cycle lane but I am not sure yet how long it will be.”


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