Home News Scottish News Opticians “Should have gone to Specsavers” after islands blunder

Opticians “Should have gone to Specsavers” after islands blunder


BOSSES at a Specsavers might want to book themselves in for an eye test after claiming two towns on the Scottish mainland are islands.

The high street firm – famous for its “Should have gone to Specsavers” advertising slogan – published a leaflet about events on the “isles of Brora and Wick”.

Disgruntled customer, Jim Brown, 66, said: “They really should have checked a map before printing the leaflet.

Jim Brown was not impressed by the leaflet.

“They would’ve found that Bora in Sutherland and Wick in Caithness are both very definitely on the mainland.”

Jim, who lives in Forsinard, west of Wick, added that he “couldn’t believe” his eyes when he read the leaflet.

“I think it’s very sloppy,” he said.

“They’re supposed to be a professional company and they get things like this wrong. It doesn’t give you much confidence in them.”

Mr Brown, who lives with wife Sheena, emailed the company to complain.

“I just wish I’d thought to add, ‘You should’ve gone to Specsavers’,” he said.

The leaflet claimed Brora and Wick were islands.


The leaflets were advertising events at Brora Rangers Social Club in Brora and Nethercliffe Hotel in Wick.

Specsavers TV adverts famously show visually challenged people getting into farcical and amusing situations, such as a pensioner couple sitting down for a flask of tea on a themepark ride.

Chairman of Specsavers Scotland, Jim Quinn, said: “The sharp-eyed locals who spotted this error clearly won’t be needing an appointment with us any time soon.

“For anyone else who didn’t spot the mistake…our doors are open.

“On this occasion our copywriters obviously should’ve gone to Specsavers.”

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