Home News Scottish News Zoo hails panda porn as ‘interesting technique’ as breeding season approaches

Zoo hails panda porn as ‘interesting technique’ as breeding season approaches

Tian Tian and Yang Guang are due to arrive at the zoo later this year

EDINBURGH Zoo bosses say using “panda porn” videos to get the bears to mate is an “interesting technique” – and have not ruled out using it themselves.

Yesterday it emerged scientists in China successfully got the bears to mate after showing them X-rated videos of other pandas “in action”.

Edinburgh Zoo said they were aware of the footage and hinted they might use a similar project in the future.

Yang Guang, and his mate Tian Tian, are celebrating their first birthday in Scotland this August


A zoo spokeswoman said: “Sounds like an interesting technique.

“It’s not something we’re planning on using at Edinburgh Zoo at this point – but good luck to them!”

Breeding season for pandas is between January and June – but during the six-month period there is a window of just three-days when an egg can actually be fertilised.

This makes them notoriously difficult to breed and the bears themselves can often seem more interested in munching bamboo than potential partners.

The Panda Breeding and Research Base in Chengdu, China started the experiment after their five-year-old female Colin kept rejecting her mate Yongyong.

The team then used animal erotica video to inspire the pandas.

A research spokesman said: “Every time Yongyong tried to mount her, Colin fought him off and we were worried she was going to miss her very short, three-day breeding cycle.

“So we played them the film and she took great interest in it. After that there was no stopping her and they mated successfully.”

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