Home Partner Posts Abandoned baby Charlotte gifted PC’s own Jemima Puddle-duck toy

Abandoned baby Charlotte gifted PC’s own Jemima Puddle-duck toy

PC Charlotte Work gifted the rescued baby her own childhood toy

THE police officer who took abandoned baby Charlotte to hospital has bought her a special present – the same cuddly toy she played with as a child.

PC Charlotte Work accompanied the newborn baby to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary after a member of the public found her lying on a park bench in the city.

The baby girl was named Charlotte after her rescuer and yesterday the two were reunited.

PC Charlotte Work gifted the rescued baby her own childhood toy
PC Charlotte Work gifted the rescued baby her own childhood toy


And Charlotte, 26, gave her four-day-old namesake a Jemima Puddle-duck cuddly toy.

The officer said she was “honoured” to have the girl named after her, adding: “I wanted to give her something special.”

The pair were reunited today (mon) at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary’s neonatal unit, where nurses and midwives have been taking care of baby Charlotte while the search for her mother continues.

NHS Lothian’s chief midwife said the five pounds 11 ounces baby was doing well and sleeping soundly.

PC Work said: “I brought her a Jemima Puddleduck toy, the reason is I had one when I was a little girl so I wanted to give her something special.”

The officer also spoke of her shock at finding the baby: “I heard it over the radio, but I wasn’t the first on the scene.

“I was in shock. It’s not something that happens often and it’s not something I’ve dealt with before.

PC Work added the baby was “asleep and quite content” as the pair rode by ambulance together to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

Beaming as she stood with the baby, who was wrapped in a pink blanket, she said “she’s gorgeous.”

She continued: “I hope she has a healthy and happy life whether she’s brought up by her mother or by adopted parents.”

She stressed the importance of making contact with Charlotte’s mother as soon as possible.

She said: “I’m honoured she’s been named Charlotte after me.

“It’s very important to find her mum, more than anything for the sake of her health.”



PC Work declined to comment about her personal views on motherhood – but did appear to be sporting an engagement ring.

NHS Lothian’s chief midwife Maria Wilson said: “She’s doing very well, she’s had a comfortable weekend and she’s been well cared for by the staff.

“She appears to be a full term baby but she’s a small baby. I think staff would love to see Charlotte reunited with her mum.

“I would absolutely actively encourage the mother to contact us. We would treat everything absolutely confidentially.”

She said kind-hearted members of the public had been dropping off gifts of clothing for the baby.

She said: “I think in general people care, it’s a very unusual situation. I think people’s concerns are for the mum in this situation.

“I want [the mother] to be reassured she we will treat everything in confidence.

“We wan’t her to receive the best care possible.”

Jemima Puddle-Duck is a character created by Beatrix Potter.

Naive Jemima looks for a safe place to hatch her eggs where they cannot be taken by the farmer’s wife, only to narrowly escape becoming roast dinner for a fox who lets her nest in his shed.

Jemima is rescued at the last minute by a collie called Kep, who lives on the farm.


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